Sunday, November 23, 2008

Legacy of Secrecy: New Info RFK, JFK, MLK

Blogging from the JFK Lancer annual meeting: Author Lamar Waldron is talking about links to JFK and RFK assassinations to mobster Carlos Marcello. Says new documents to be linked to and are on his book site at

Found that FBI targeted more than a dozen of Marcello associates and family members but Marcello's name is never mentioned in the Warren Commission report.

Waldron has now found evidence of Marcello involvement in MLK using Joseph Peltier of Quinton, Georgia. James Earl Ray went to Atlanta before leaving the country. Why? To ask for Peltier's help, Waldron says.

All that secrecy of 1963 and JFK assassination boomeranged against MLK.

Waldron wants all assassination records made open now. "We need hearings on the JFK Act."

Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination

Ultimate Sacrifice: John and Robert Kennedy, the Plan for a Coup in Cuba, and the Murder of JFK

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